Monday, 4 July 2011

time for the banana

Picture this, February 2014 and all is not well in Euro land, more bail outs and the value of the Euro has collapsed, a return to the Mark, Frank, Drachma or Peseta is not possible as they are no where to be seen. English currency remains strong so there is no alternative other than to adopt the banana as the only reliable form of currency in the Euro zone. And of course if nothing else works you can always eat the banana thus getting the feeling of satisfaction...

Can this happen? Of course not but the situation right now in Europe is looking chaotic. Greece has gone down the Khyber pass with Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy waiting to join in.

I have always declared my support for the European project for political and not economic reasons but have never expected the current situation to arise. On the other hand how the hell can you have common currencies between states with completely different and unequal economies? And how do you have monetary union when there is no central bank regulating all economies in the zone with real powers? Call me old fashion but I would prefer to see the banana!!

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