Friday 17 September 2010

The Popes visit

The A lot has been said about the visit and many have been critical of the Catholic church and some of what has been practiced by its priests. Child abuse is totally unacceptable and those responsible must be punished. The Pope should have apologised publicly and said sorry. He also retains a collection of other views that places him very much out of date with modern democratic societies and for that he should be re educated. This is of course not a specific problem with just Catholics and other religions and religious leaders suffer from the same problem. But there are also those who say that the Pope represents 1 billion followers on the planet and that they, in their own way, derive comfort from belonging to the Catholic faith.I am not here to condemn or criticise but the problem with all religious beliefs is that it clearly comes from an irrational source. We do as humans have a lot of attachments with illogical concepts like the following of a Monarch etc ( is this treason?) On the other hand religion keeps people like my mother and her friends who are all very religious and 'good Christians' out of trouble and it gives them something to do. I love it when I try to call my mother who is in her 70s but can never find her home because she is always out with her religious mates attending some charity or church thing. It keeps them off the streets and happy so it is for that reason that religion does, for the time being, have a role. But all religions and churches need to bring themselves up to date. I am sure there are a few unemployed HR officers around that can help out with some sort of a reorganisation.

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