Saturday, 26 June 2010

Columbia and Tus

Prison workers' union leader shot dead in Colombia
The TUC has protested yet again at another killing of a trade unionist in Colombia. Hernan Abdiel Ordonez Dorado, treasurer of the executive board of the prison workers' union ASEINPEC in Cali was shot dead by assailants travelling by motorbike. He had been involved in denouncing alleged acts of corruption by top prison officers at the Women's Prison.

Friday, 25 June 2010

TUC statement

'The Coalition seems to wants to go far beyond efficiency savings and cuts in intrusive state activities such as id cards. We welcome the chance to engage but will press hard against cuts that threaten higher unemployment', the TUC said. ‘The worry must be that we will see cuts in support and help not just for the poor and vulnerable, but the services on which middle income Britain depends. And far from helping the private sector, whole sectors such as construction that depend on public procurement for much of their work look like the could be badly hit.’

TUC Press Release

Thursday, 24 June 2010


Information coming in shows that more than 30% of companies have closed future accrual of defined benefits to existing employees, up from around 14% last year, with a further 30% intending to do so in future. 87% of employers think their employees will not have enough saved for retirement. The majority of companies do not yet understand the cost and administrative impact of auto-enrolment. There is also a clear move from companies intending to offer former employees deals to transfer pension liabilities elsewhere whilst in the background the government have just announced their intention to abolish the compulsory retirement age. There is a lot to watch out for on the pensions area most of us would expect to work at least until we are 70 if not 84!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

TUC Project

A ‘just transition' from climate change for Bangladesh
“Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world and will become even more so as a result of climate change. Agriculture, fisheries, construction and many jobs in the informal sector will be severely affected, posing a risk to the means of survival for many families.”

This is the context of a new TUC-supported project that will shortly start work with the Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE), supported by Sustainlabour, and OSHE's general secretary Repon Chowdhury explains why the project is so needed.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Nick venedi comments

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber addressed the Canadian Labour Congress rally on Saturday 19 June at the 2010 people's summit in Toronto, setting out the British and global union opposition to cuts in public services and the need to address the linked problems of climate change and global unemployment and poverty.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

nick venedi's comment

Happy birthday to me and Boris Johnson as we share the same birthday but it all ends there we don't have anything else in common apart of course from both of us being blond bimbos!!

Friday, 18 June 2010

nick venedi comments

The 16 Eurozone member exclusive club has faced its first crisis with Greece going down the toilet because of the accumulating debt. There are huge demonstrations organised by the Greek unions and all the television stations there are preoccupied with the reaction which of course coincides with the May day events.
Austerity measures to be introduced include moving the retirement age from 53 to 67 with immediate effect (no transitional stage) and vat increases going up to 23%, a reduction of pensions and the abolition of the 13th pay as its called there for civil service employees (civil servants have been paid 13 times a year instead of 12)
The population there of course is not at all happy although some of the mainstream newspapers are trying to explain that these measures are needed to avoid bankruptcy.
The tragic situation in Greece has also been explained by the fact that the country has never been allowed by super powers to rest and allowed to develop. The German occupation between 1941 to 1945 meant a total destruction of the infrastructure. This was then followed by an even nastier civil war which lasted from 1947 to 1951 between the communists and the democrats in fact this was the first ever Vietnam where Stalin's communist partisans fought a nasty civil war instigated by outsiders. These constant wars did not allow the country to have a clear path of development and of course there was no Marshal plan deal to help the country. Then there was the military dictatorship which lasted from 1967 to 1974 so I am afraid the history of modern Greece is one of constant conflict sponsored by outsiders. Greece was the rushed in to the EEC in 1981 by the impatient French who wanted their ally in and then the country was pushed into the Eurozone by the Germans and the French in 2002. The Germans own the postal service and the telecommunications industry in the country so they have a major interest in what happens there. The questions Merkel is raising right now is for domestic consumption because of the election she is facing. The entire situation is a mess!
Posted by London Critic at 00:54

Thursday, 17 June 2010

TUC Alerts

FREE 'Advertising Workshop' for union video makers – Book Now
For those people thinking about entering the TUC 60 Second Ad Contest, we are running a FREE 'Advertising Workshop' on Friday 9th July 2010, which promises to be very extensive and interesting.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Columbia killing

Prison workers' union leader shot dead in Colombia
The TUC has protested yet again at another killing of a trade unionist in Colombia. Hernan Abdiel Ordonez Dorado, treasurer of the executive board of the prison workers' union ASEINPEC in Cali was shot dead by assailants travelling by motorbike. He had been involved in denouncing alleged acts of corruption by top prison officers at the Women's Prison.

Monday, 14 June 2010


Send a message to MPs – no to VAT, yes to Robin Hood
The Robin Hood Tax campaign is pushing MPs to use the Budget this month to introduce a Robin Hood Tax to help poor people at home and abroad, and tackle climate change. And the TUC and Robin Hood Tax campaign are both warning that putting up VAT instead would be a big mistake. You can join the campaign and make a difference.